Topological characterization of somatosensory cortex

We have calculated a large number of topological parameters associated with the neurons in various regions of the model of somatosensory cortex of the BBP. Each parameter was calculated for the close neighborhood of each neuron.

Here, we visualize the distributions of the parameters for neurons of various regions, morphological types, layers and circuits.

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How to use:

You see violin-plots indicating the distribution of a selected topological parameter, calculated on the close neighborhood of individual neurons. You can select exactly which neurons are considered in each violin using the dropdown menus.

First row:

Parameter: selects which topological parameter is displayed

Group by: You see several violins, this menu selects what parameter differs between them

Compare category & Compare values: If you select one category and exactly two values, the plot will use split violins, where one half shows the distribution for neurons matching the first selected value, and the other half the second.

In the second row you can select general filters that are applied to all displayed data. For example, if you select under "mtype" the values "BP, BTC", then you will only see data for neurons of those morphological types


mtype: The morphological type of a neuron

circuit: The circuit model the neuron is contained in

target: The brain region within the model the neuron is in

layer: The cortical layer of the neuron

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